
Are You Getting All The Work Perks You Deserve?

Some employers may be unsure of the work perks meaning and of exactly what it is, or what perks they should be giving their employees. And some employees don ’ t know that there are a whole bunch of work perks that should be available to them. So what exactly are work perks? Perks are added benefits that an employee should get, over and above their salary. And the work perks work for both the employee and the employer in that they are generally not taxable. But there are ‘ work perks ’ and there are ‘ work perks ’ and both employer and employee need to ensure that the perks work for them. What are work perks? Many people take their jobs because of the fabulous work perks offered to them. Work perks can include health care, although this may not be considered a perk but rather an essential. Work perks can be insurance or free parking every month, free transport every month or a gym membership. For some, these perks are enough, for others they are not. An employer should always c

Top Things To Consider When Hiring A Consultant For Strategic Planning

Businesses should have strategic planning consultants to guide them to achieve goals and prepare their team for an effective change. For example, if you want happy employees in your company or organization, then they can be of great help. For you to accomplish this, it is important to choose a consultant that can give you what you need. The following qualities are important when looking for the right consultant. Expertise and knowledge Make sure to choose a consultant that is competent, confident and experienced. The consultant can demonstrate this by having an extensive portfolio. They should also have a strong educational background in communication and strategy. The consultant should also be an expert when it comes to strategic planning. The consultant should be able to relate nicely with employees and inspire trust and confidence in your team. Facilitation skills The consultant you choose should be focused on guiding you through processes that lead to success. Your busines

Common Myths That Employers Have About Their Benefit Plans

Employers end up with unhappy employees when they fail to enact efficient employee incentives . Traditional employee benefits plans have changed over the years that a lot of business owners do not realize that changing their plan is achievable. Overpriced and stagnant benefits plans can cause employers to make their plans efficient. This can result in unhappy or uneducated employees and wasted employee benefits plans. Here are some common myths that business owners have about benefits plans basing on healthcare benefits. The insurer has their best interests in mind It is important to understand that just because an insurer is working with you does not mean they are working for you. Misaligned incentives are driving up health insurance costs for business owners. Insurers make a lot of money as employers’ premiums go up. There are no real incentives for them to bring your costs down. When creating an employee incentives plan , it is important to work with advisors who guarantee p

The Best Tips On Successful Business Management Consulting

This blog post will discuss business management consulting. Successful business consulting occurs when the consultant meets the needs of the client. For example, for your company, you may need help with what work perks to give to your employees and the management team to achieve growth. Therefore, the consultant should have the right mix of competence. To achieve this, the consultant should have a knowledge base in the field of the client, experience to add value to the business of the client, a dynamic plan and excellent communication. Consulting failures Consulting failures may occur when the results that a business consultant produces don’t correlate with the organization’s strategy. This may occur; when the consultant cannot implement the unrealistic expectations of the client; when the client has unattainable goals; when there is lack of good leadership in the company of the client; when the client rejects or ignores the advice of the strategic planning facilitator and many

What Are The Work Perks Desired By Employees For 2021 Going Forward?

  If you want to know what the work perks that are desired by employees for 2021 going forward are, read this article. There are particular work perks that employees love the most. In a recent two-year study, Glassdoor surveyed as many as 50,000 companies and discovered that 57% of all job seekers admitted that perks and benefits were among their top considerations for accepting any new position. In another recent survey by PayScale, 80% of the employees who were surveyed admitted that they would rather have an extra perk or benefit than a 2% increase in wage. So, what do employees actually desire? The surveys showed that the following perks are the ones that are desired by employees starting from 2021 onwards. 1.       Provide more insurance plan options – Like critical illness, pet insurance, or accident coverage, as well as options of long-term care. 2.       Continue development in programs that pertain to wellness, particularly in friendly challenges and competition for rewa

Top Benefits Of Assessments Of Employees That Employers Need To Know

Employee assessment helps businesses in The United States of America & around the world to get the right employees. Getting employees who are the right fit for the job results in increased output and productivity. It is common knowledge that motivated and happy workers are more invested in their work. When considering job fit, it is not just the responsibilities that should be weighed but also the culture of the company and the skills of the employee. Finding the right employees Companies need to hire the right employees. Only a small percentage of applicants will be the right fit for your business. The right employees are not always evident in their interviews. Assessing employees is something that should take more than interviews. Triangulation Triangulation is taking an assessment of employees beyond job application and interviews. Triangulation occurs when the three main factors in determining the right fit of a job align with another to provide a well-rounded employee

Top Reasons Why Worker Benefits Are Necessary For Your Company

Employee benefits are one of the best ways to keep good employees in your company. A lot of small-business owners mistakenly think that they cannot afford to offer benefits to workers. But while going through without benefits can boost your business bottom line only in the short while, it could strangle your business in the long term. Here are some of the top reasons to invest in worker benefits. Importance of worker benefits Offering benefits to your staff members is important because it shows the workers that you have invested in their future and overall health. A solid worker benefits package can help your business attract and retain top-notch talent. Worker benefits can help employers differentiate their business from competitors. Offering worker benefits can improve the bottom line of your company by engaging workers to participate in wellbeing programs. If you are still wondering why employee benefits are important then you need to understand that benefits create healthie